On my way to Brittany, France, I got inspired by Christina von Dreien, a very special young woman from Switzerland. She said: “if all people would be happy for one day, all unlight would be gone, because they would have nothing to feed on.”

“Is this true?” I thought to myself and if so: “what can I do to make this day happen?”

Then, it became clear to me that I had to write a book. A book full of exercises that would help people raise their vibration, reconnect to who they really are, strengthen relationships and let go of fear and addiction.

I chose the 12 best exercises I know from kinesiology, Quantum healing, the Crystal city, the Crystalline Matrix, meditation and visualisation and put them together in Love, Help heal the world.

Because words alone do not teach, I had beautiful pictures made to make the procedures more clear. In addition I filmed myself in 12 videos to demonstrate the techniques and take you on kinesiology, long distance, group balances to balance your system and raise your vibe.

I made these 12 videos into an online course.

The wonderful news is… you get the eBook for FREE when you purchase the online course.

Together with the online course and the FREE eBook on the member page, I made a private group on Facebook, in which you can share your growth, insights and ask your questions. You might even make friends and practice together.

Will you help me, help all people be happy for at least one day?

Thank you so much!

Much love, Merel

P.S. you can choose two pathways. You either buy the online course and get the eBook for free or you buy the book and get the online course for free. It is up to you!