(E)book 12 Completion

Dear you, welcome.

12 is a very special book for me. Although everything in the Multiverse is eternal, here on Earth we have seasons and cycles. Many of them consist of 12. Think of hours in the clock, months in a year, Star Signs, and a dozen.

In kinesiology, we also use quite some systems composed of 12, like meridians, chakras, 12 crystals in the Crystal City, and 12 dimensions in the Crystalline Matrix.

12 is my 12th book and the first to write alone. After a very difficult period for me, I picked up writing again. I had to do a lot of things for the first time, like translating, correcting, making a content table, adding page numbers, and taking this all out again to make an Epub for an Ebook, and I did it!I am very thankful to be picking up a great passion of mine, to share knowledge simply and practically. This is part of my life’s work. It gives me joy. It leaves me filled and fulfilled.

12 is about closing a period, this is why the subtitle is Completion, and is a new beginning of a new era.
I would love to share 12 Completion with you. Read it as a paperback, specially printed for you (POD), or as an E-book, and let me know what you think.

Much love Merel